So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.
–Colossians 2:6-7
At Anchor, we believe students aren’t just the church leaders of tomorrow; they’re the church leaders of TODAY.
The mission of Anchor Church at Portland’s student ministry is to see students’ lives transformed by the Gospel. The foundation of this mission is for students to hear the Gospel and know the Gospel; and that starts with being rooted in Scripture. Our student ministry focuses on Christ-centered Bible studies and Gospel-centered songs so that the Word of Christ might dwell in them richly (Colossians 3). Our hope is that as they mature in their faith they will have a strong understanding of the Bible, a deep understanding of their need for a Savior, and a firm foundation built on Christ and His Word.
If your student is between 5th grade and 12th grade, we’d love to have them in our student ministry!
What’s it like?
All students between 5th and 12th grade are welcome. Everyone comes from different walks of life. So no matter your background or beliefs; you are welcome here.
Our students participate in Christ-centered teaching and Bible studies; helping them build a strong Biblical foundation as they move on to maturity.
Our student ministry is growing numerically and in maturity in Christ. We strive to reach teenagers in our community by equiping our students to evangelize and disciple their peers.
When do students meet?
Our students meet the third Sunday of each month, at 6 pm on campus. We gather for fellowship and games, and then walk through a Bible study geared towards their age-group.